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Share your story.
Everyone has a story worth sharing. Patients, survivors, caregivers, and loved ones, we want to hear yours!
"Like many people who have been impacted by cancer, my journey was a rollercoaster. I didn’t know what to expect before arriving at Ulman House, but it was more special than I could have imagined..."
Jess Foss
Ulman House guest
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Share your insight.
Whether it’s about your diagnosis, your treatment, your recovery or someone you know affected by cancer, your story is important!
During Shequoia Dublin’s bout with cancer as a 28-year old, she experienced a range of emotions that is difficult to fathom. She graciously shared them with us, happy now to be able to help other young adult cancer patients feel seen and understood as they experience a similar mix of emotions.
Shequoia Dublin
Ulman Foundation client
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Share hope.
We believe in the power of storytelling to make connections and inspire hope within our community.
"We all have moments of life where we get an opportunity to reset and redefine. Look for the miracles. They’re all around if you choose to see them."
Amelia Miller
Ulman Foundation client
Please fill out the form below to share your story, or if you would like to get connected to a member of our team, send an email to [email protected]
Complete the form to share your story:
Hear from others in the AYA cancer community:
MileOneCares Supports Ulman House with $15,000 Award to Provide Free Parking for Cancer Patients
MISSION PARTNERS MileOneCares Supports Ulman House with $15,000 Award
Making a Lasting Impression with Maryland’s First Lady
Annapolis Subaru Donates $75,000 to the Ulman Foundation in “Share the Love” Campaign
MISSION PARTNERS Annapolis Subaru Donates $75,000 to the Ulman
Celebrating Strength and Sisterhood: The Charm City Strongwoman Contest
GET INSPIRED Celebrating Strength and Sisterhood: The Charm City
Sculpting A New Perspective after Cancer: Chaz’s Story
CHAZ'S STORY Sculpting a New Perspective After Cancer